Meet Rick DuPree
Rick DuPree has been a member of the Columbia City Fitness Center for over 9 years. He's an administrator at a private independent...

Mick Stevens: Staff Member
Mick Stevens has been working at Columbia City Fitness Center for 10 years as a business consultant and also is a certified personal...

Anonymous Member Story
A member of Columbia City Fitness Center who prefers to be anonymous wanted to share her story with her community. This lovely woman is a...

Team Kettlebell: Get To Know Your Instructors
Kristin Beck Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:30am & 7:30am Kristin has been working at Columbia City Fitness Center since April and teaches...

Flo and Bull Give Thanks To Columbia City Fitness Center & The Family.
We are so grateful for the team of people and the customers who have been with us from the very beginning. Seeing how large our team here...

Welcome, Erin Kilpatrick! Columbia City Fitness Center's New Member.
We would like to welcome one of our members, Erin Kilpatrick, to the Columbia City Fitness Center family by doing a special feature about...

The Fairchild Family Exercises Together!
The Fairchild Family - Evelyn the mom, daughter Veronica, and son in-law Scott - exercise together as a team at the Columbia City Fitness...

Mohamed Abdirizak
My name is Mohamed, I am from Galkayo, Somali and came to the US when I was 5 years old. I have been living in Seattle for 14 years, so...

Jacob Lunon aka J.B.
J.B. specializes in Personal Training, Chinese Martial and Healing Arts as well as the Israeli defense system known as Krav Maga. He has...